Clinton McCowen

As an independent inventor, manufacturer, and business development and marketing specialist conducting commerce nationwide and internationally, Clint McCowen has developed, manufactured and marketed his own patented inventions and proprietary products retailing about $20 Million in over 100 countries worldwide and in the United States.

Clint McCowen’s experience includes invention, prototype and product development, national and international product marketing. U.S. and off-shore product manufacturing, negotiating millions of dollars in financing and orders from customer/money sources, facilitating multi-national business ventures and contract negotiations.

His marketing accomplishments have earned national and international recognition. He is listed in “Who’s Who”, “Two Thousand Notable American Men”, “Men of Achievement”, “Leading American Executives”, received the 20th Century Award for Achievement, and has received awards and commendations from Congressional State dignitaries such as Congressman Hutto and Florida’s Secretary of Commerce.

He has been a feature author in American Venture Magazine, served as a judge for the American Venture Awards and has lectured at business development conferences hosted by Past Governor Chiles, and Florida business promotion agencies. He has been the subject of televised news broadcasts, and many newspaper articles and publications, such as the international TWA Ambassador Magazine, the Associated Press, The Miami Herald, The Tallahassee Democrat, Spotlight on Small Business, and others: and was selected to participate in Florida’s “Fire of Genius” US patent exhibition.

Most likely, you’ve already seen some of Clint’s products. If you’ve enjoyed watching entertainers such as Kenny Rogers, Miss America, Miss USA, Patti LaBelle, Willie Nelson, Bob Hope, Grammy Winners, and many other Rock, Country and Gospel Stars from all over the world, then you’ve see them using Clint’s patented wireless microphones at one time or another.

You may have also seen another of Clint’s creations in the early 90’s when Lobe Strobe ™ “flashing earrings” were popular at Sears and across America throughout thousands of stores including Wal-Mart, Spencer Gifts, Disney: televised in a nationwide Pizza Hut/Back-to-the-Future commercial, a major motion picture, a Super Bowl pregame show, and Dolly Parton on the David Letterman Show.